
Tuesday 1 January 2019

Day 2: Phantasmagoria

Day 2: Phantasmagoria

Okay, none of this new year, new me malarkey, I'm going to be the same as I've always been, only by the time this ends, I'll be much more madder.. Not to self, send on medical bills to Chateau Briggs et Haigh-Ellery... So, after yesterday's early start (brought on by it both being a Monday and the decision to have that story in particular be free for the next few days), tis time to begin this descent into madness properly. And what better way to start than a story by a Gentleman of the League? I wonder what ever happened to him...

The Doctor and Turlough have taken a trip to England, at the start of a new reign. But whilst there, they find themselves embroiled in games and schemes galore, from highwaymen to disappearances, from occultists to gamblers. And at the heart of it all, a certain Diabola Club, and a mysterious patron known as Sir Nikolas Valentine. What secrets does Valentine hold? And who else is connected his dastardly deeds? 

The first story to try and stand on its own merit, rather than being first out and/or having to rely on a gimmick (which Sirens can be forgiven for, given its situation), Mark Gatiss' Phantasmagoria gives us a new take on a tried and tested format, ie, the pseudo-historical. And given his penchant and subsequent successes with that style in the future, it's safe to say that something about them works, and here is no exception. Although the stakes are lower than other instances, Gatiss still keeps us invested with well written characters and a brilliantly visualised world, not to mention a good solid narrative with a good few twists and turns (that episode 3 cliffhanger!).

Alongside that, the cast is expertly directed by our resident impresario, Messr Briggs. Joining a more confident Davison, a returning Mark Strickson as Turlough, and the talents of Briggs and Gatiss, we have the likes of Jonathan Rigby, Julia Deakin, Jez Fielder, Steven Wickham, and David Ryall, all giving the vast cast of characters a proper aura of believe-ability, for want of a better term. Sometimes too well... I mean, there's this one chap called David Walliams, he's very good, but sometimes too good, can creep the listener out sometimes... Wonder what he's doing now?

Other than that, I must say, once again the sound design and music are EXCELLENT!!! Having taken over duties for this release so Nick Briggs can focus on directing, Alistair Lock showcases a true talent equal to that of Briggs for lending the story that aura of realism. It is little wonder why he has continued to work on numerous releases, not only for Doctor Who, but for many other ranges for Big Finish. His work truly speaks for itself. And that can be said for all of the people involved in this. Like with Sirens, it isn't perfect, but the passion and drive from everyone helps us as listeners to see past all that and get absorbed into the tale. It truly is a shame that Gatiss isn't writing any more Big Finish releases. Just imagine what a modern day Gatiss release would be like..... Just imagine...

Doctor Who: Phantasmagoria, is available on Download for £/$/€2.99 on the Big Finish Website, and on limited CD, Cassette and Download from other stockists. 

TOMORROW: The next experiment is ready, but will the efforts of Prof. Justin Richards bear audible fruit?

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